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Best Companion Plants For Peppermint

Title: Best Companion Plants for Peppermint


Peppermint is a popular herb that is known for its refreshing scent and flavor. It can be used in a variety of dishes, teas, and other beverages. Peppermint is also a versatile herb that can be grown indoors or outdoors.

When planting peppermint, it is important to consider its companion plants. Some plants can help to improve the growth and health of peppermint, while others can hinder it. In this blog post, we will discuss the best companion plants for peppermint.

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Carrots: Peppermint is a good companion plant for carrots because it can help to repel the carrot fly. The carrot fly is a common pest that can damage carrot plants. The strong scent of peppermint can confuse the carrot fly and make it less likely to lay its eggs on carrot plants.

Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Kale: Peppermint is also a good companion plant for cabbage, cauliflower, and kale. These vegetables are all members of the brassica family, and they can be susceptible to pests such as the cabbage moth and flea beetles. The strong scent of peppermint can help to deter these pests and protect brassica plants from damage.

Onions: Peppermint is a good companion plant for onions because it can help to repel the onion fly. The onion fly is a common pest that can damage onion plants. The strong scent of peppermint can confuse the onion fly and make it less likely to lay its eggs on onion plants.

Peas and Beans: Peppermint is also a good companion plant for peas and beans. These vegetables can benefit from the nitrogen-fixing bacteria that live in the roots of peppermint plants. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria help to improve the soil quality and provide nutrients for peas and beans.

Roses: Peppermint is said to help improve the health of roses and repel aphids. The strong scent of peppermint can help to deter aphids from feeding on rose plants.

Stinging Nettle: Stinging nettle is another good companion plant for peppermint. Stinging nettle helps plants withstand slugs and snails, strengthens the growth of peppermint, and gives greater aromatic quality to herbs such as peppermint.

Tomatillos: Peppermint is also a good companion plant for tomatoes. The strong scent of peppermint can help to deter aphids and other garden pests. Tomatoes and peppermint are also said to improve each other's flavor when grown together.


These are just a few of the best companion plants for peppermint. When choosing companion plants, it is important to consider the specific needs of your peppermint plants and the climate in which you live. By planting peppermint with compatible companion plants, you can help to ensure that your peppermint plants thrive and produce a bountiful harvest.

Peppermint is a versatile herb that can be used in a variety of dishes and beverages. It is also a popular choice for companion planting, as it can help to deter pests and attract beneficial insects. Some of the best companion plants for peppermint include:

  • Carrots: The strong scent of peppermint can help to deter the carrot fly, which can damage carrot crops.
  • Cabbage, cauliflower, and kale: The pungent scent of peppermint can help to deter cabbage moths and flea beetles, which can damage brassica crops.
  • Oregano and marigolds: These herbs release volatile oils that can attract beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and hoverflies, which help to control pests.
  • Peas and beans: Mint can help to improve the nitrogen content of the soil, which can benefit these legumes.
  • Roses: Peppermint can help to deter aphids and other pests that can damage roses.

For more information about companion plants for peppermint, please visit Home Gardening.

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